CHURCH BEACH is on way to be a bathing beach SUCCESS!

Church Beach, Lyme Regis

An application by local water campaigners for Church Beach in Lyme Regis to be re-designated as a bathing beach has been approved to go to the next stage. 

Government department, Defra, has put Church Beach on a list of 27 beaches which are now open for public consultation here

“We’re absolutely delighted that Church Beach is moving forwards to regaining its status as a designated bathing beach”, said Vicki Elcoate of the River Lim Action group. “It’s vital for better water quality monitoring, better public information and increasing resources to clean up our river and beaches”.

The River Lim Action group, working with the Bluetits swimming group, and with the support of Lyme Regis Town Council, has received huge support from locals and visitors for the beach application.

Beverley Glock of the Lyme Regis Bluetits said: “This is brilliant. It  will put more pressure on South West Water and the Environment Agency to clean up the sewage in the River Lim so the residents and holiday makers in Lyme Regis can swim in clean water.” 

Malcolm Greenslade of Lyme Bay Swimming said: “It's great news that Defra have agreed to a public consultation on the Beach Redesignation after all the hard work put in over the summer by The River Lim Action Group and its supporters. It’s great for the local community and Lyme Regis as a popular year round resort. From a personal point of view, Church Beach holds many happy memories for me, swimming, paddling and playing in the rock pools as a child so it would be lovely to bring the beach and river back to life" 

“We had to consult people and organisations locally and we had lots of volunteers monitoring the numbers of bathers during the bathing season from May to September.”, said Vicki Elcoate. “It was a lot of work, so we’re pleased to see it’s paid off and that Defra support what we’ve done so far. We now appeal to everyone who cares about our local beaches and the rights of water users to enjoy clean water to fill out the consultation”.

River Lim Action group
TLG is co-ordinating the project with the guidance of the Westcountry Rivers Trust which aims to restore and protect the rivers, lakes, and estuaries of the West Country for the benefit of nature, people, and local economies.

River Lim (Lyme Regis) Improvement Plan