Plastic Free Lyme Regis

Lyme Regis proudly achieved the esteemed 'Plastic Free Communities' status awarded by Surfers Against Sewage (SAS). This recognition underscores our concerted efforts in significantly reducing the usage of single-use plastic items. Through a collective endeavor, we've orchestrated impactful community events that engage everyone and foster environmental consciousness. Our initiatives aim to raise awareness about responsible environmental stewardship. There are 23 local businesses which have earned the Plastic Free Business Champion award to their efforts to reduce the need for single use plastics.
Crucially, the Plastic Free Lyme Regis initiative has had steadfast backing from
Lyme Regis Town Council. Their active support stands as a testament to our shared commitment towards promoting sustainability and safeguarding our precious environment.

The Problem with Plastic

Annually, a staggering 300 million tons of plastic is generated worldwide, a concerning figure exacerbated by the fact that around 8 million tons of this finds its way into our oceans.

The root of this issue lies with our continuing reliance on plastic and a waste management system which face significant challenges in effectively managing this influx of plastic waste. Our collective attitude towards disposing of plastic can be characterized as careless at times, contributing to this alarming environmental crisis.

Our oceans are home to countless creatures, but plastic waste harms them in many ways. Animals get tangled, choked, or sick from eating plastic. This hurts their health and disrupts the ocean's balance.

Plastic toxins pose risks to human health, especially as they can seep into the food and drinks we store in plastic containers. Additionally, microplastics find their way into our food chain, with fish and other seafood ingesting these tiny particles. This means that we inadvertently consume these microplastics when we eat seafood, raising concerns about the potential health impacts on humans.