Report River Lim Pollution

If you see pollution in the River Lim, please let River Lim Action know.

When you submit the form, you will receive details on how to report to South West Water and the Environment Agency. Please report to both as well. Thank you.

Take these steps to find the exact location of where you have seen pollution on the River Lim using what3words

1. Visit the River Lim what3words location here using this link:

2. Click on the map to pinpoint the exact location of the spill and enter the what3words into our form

You can download our QR code to your mobile, and share with others along the River Lim. Just scan to load the Pollution form.

Surfers Against Sewage

Have you noticed brown foamy water lapping at the shore during your coastal walk? Does it smell funky? It’s probably sewage. Report it to Surfers Against Sewage.