Monitoring and what it tells us - RLA report

The River Lim Action group has been monitoring the River Lim’s health for two full years. Now that the monitoring has evolved to include bacteria and invertebrates this report is a review of our findings.

It brings together the findings of our own monitoring, the statutory monitoring carried out during the bathing season by the Environment Agency of the two bathing beaches (Church Cliff and Front Beach) and other monitoring, where information has been provided, carried out by the Environment Agency (EA) in the river and South West Water (SWW). It has suggested solutions and conclusions for all the key stakeholders.

River Lim Action group
TLG is co-ordinating the project with the guidance of the Westcountry Rivers Trust which aims to restore and protect the rivers, lakes, and estuaries of the West Country for the benefit of nature, people, and local economies.

Christmas Tree Festival 2024


Lyme bathing beaches – the scores are in!